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Missouri, Kansas, Ohio Units Reach Agreement with Sprint
March 1, 2003
Sprint workers, in extended bargaining, won new contracts in Missouri and Kansas, as the CWA News went to press, and shortly past their deadline of midnight on Feb. 28, in Ohio.
CWA Wants Government Action on Tech Outsourcing
March 1, 2003
CWA is pressing Congress to authorize an investigation by the General Accounting Office into the growing number of U.S. information and technology companies that are shifting U.S. technology jobs overseas.
S.W. Bell Technician Awarded Medal for Lifesaving Courage
March 1, 2003
If he'd stopped to think, Curtis Patterson said he probably would have been scared.
Kid's Corner: Just What Does the United Nations Do?
March 1, 2003
We're all hearing a lot about the United Nations in the news lately. But many of the things the UN does rarely make headlines.