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Musical Ministry Hopes to Help Children with HIV/AIDS
June 1, 2003
In a time of job loss, orange alerts, war and other stresses and fears, Claude Cummings and three talented friends are hoping their "ministry through song" brings some comfort - as well as some much-needed dollars to the Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
NACTEL Distance Learning Fits Members' Working Family Lifestyles
June 1, 2003
Local 2109 member Shannon Ray Peterson balances parenting an 11-year-old with his duties as a Verizon systems technician, and spends several hours a day commuting. A single parent, he hoped for a better job closer to home but knew he needed a college degree.
In My Opinion: Corporate Health Care "Free-riders" Drive Up Costs
June 1, 2003
The number of Americans without health care coverage now has risen to 45 million, as mounting joblessness and double-digit medical inflation squeezes more and more families out of the system.
CWA Criticizes FCC Decision on Media Concentration
Press Release
Washington, D.C. -- The Federal Communications Commission's decision today to reverse long-established limits on media ownership will have serious repercussions for our democracy and the value Americans place on a free press and free speech.