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Movement Building

August 7, 2014
A grassroots coalition delivered thousands of petitions to five city governments in New Jersey this week, kicking off a campaign to put earned paid sick leave on ballots in November.

Safe Staffing Saves Lives

June 19, 2014
"A patient dies every three seconds from a medical error," said CWA Local 1168 President Cori Gambini, again and again over May's Safe Staffing blitz. Healthcare workers know the role that nurse to patient ratios play in giving good and safe care, and all last month in Western New York State, CWA healthcare workers and allies got this message out to the public and legislators in the fight to assure all patients receive the they deserve.

CWA Sues Christie on Pension Fund Grab

May 22, 2014
CWA and the National Education Association are filing a lawsuit to block NJ Governor Chris Christie's plan to grab nearly $2.5 billion that should be going to the state's pension system.