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Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911)

March 15, 2011
In memory of one of the most tragic and sinful workplace tragedies, please join in marking the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.

Survey for Healthcare Personnel from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

March 8, 2011
NIOSH has reached out to CWA for assistance in collecting information from healthcare workers on the health and safety practices in working with chemicals on the job. NIOSH has created a voluntary online survey designed to obtain confidential information from healthcare workers on the nature and extent of exposure to chemicals and current practices that are being used for reducing and controlling exposures.

EPA takes Landmark Action Authorizing Worker Participation in Agency Inspections

March 7, 2011
On February 11, 2011, the US Environmental Protection Agency announced its policy for engaging workers and their union representatives during Risk Management Program Inspections under the Clean Air Act, Section 112(r). This policy supersedes their interim policy issued on April 2, 2010 and is effective immediately. The document clearly lays out the obligation of EPA (and employers) to afford workers and union representatives the opportunity to participate during EPA inspections and audits at approximately 13,000 facilities using high hazard chemicals.

OSHA Trade Release: OSHA at 40

February 24, 2011
An interactive timeline commemorating 40 years of progress protecting the safety and health of working men and women illustrates milestones from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and its state partners? efforts to reduce injuries, illnesses and deaths.