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Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911)

On March 25, 1911, the long work week was ending for the garment workers employed by the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, Manhattan, New York. Typical of sweatshop work environments, workers were paid extremely low wages, they worked excessively long hours, and working conditions were unsanitary and hazardous. As the garment workers were completing their work day, a fire broke out on the eighth floor of the building. Although the workers valiantly attempted to put out the fire, the flames spread quickly to the rest of the eighth as well as the ninth and tenth floors. As the mostly immigrant garment workers struggled to save themselves and their comrades they found the exit doors locked causing many to desperately jump to their deaths. In total, 146 of the 500 workers—all but 23 of them young women—were killed.

In memory of one of the most tragic and sinful workplace tragedies, please join in marking the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. There are many events and activities being held to mark the anniversary. A comprehensive listing can be found at: