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CWA Union Operating Procedures Manual

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Part I. CWA

  1. Organizational Structure
  2. Constitution
  3. History
  4. Duties of International Officers and Staff
  5. Headquarters Departments
  6. CWA on the Web

Part II. Local Officers

  1. Local Authority, Duties and Obligations
  2. Fiduciary Responsibilities
  3. Local President Duties and Responsibilities
  4. Local Treasurer Duties and Responsibilities
    1. Checklist of Documents
  5. Local Secretary Duties and Responsibilities
    1. Minutes
    2. Local Filing System

Part III. Organizing

  1. Organizing Guidelines
  2. Organizing Rules
  3. Organizing Models
    1. Units with More than Fifty People with Employer Opposition
    2. Units with Less than Fifty People with Employer Opposition
  4. Organizing Forms

 Part IV.  Local Finances

  1. Preparing a Local Budget
  2. Expenditures
  3. Credit Cards
  4. Local Reimbursement Guidelines
  5. Full-Time/Part-Time Reimbursement by the International
  6. Financial Reporting to International, Local and Membership
  7. Local Accounting
  8. Maintaining Financial Records
  9. Preparing for a Financial Audit
  10. How to Select an Accounting Firm
  11. Federal Reporting

 Part V.  Federal Reporting

  1. Checklist of Federal Government Required Forms & Reports
  2. CWA Policy for DOL Compliance
    1. LM-1 Registering a New Local with the DOL
    2. LM Reports
      1. LM-4
      2. LM-3
      3. LM-2
      4. Common Reporting Errors
  3. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Required Reports
    1. Forms 990-N, 990EZ and 990
    2. Tax Exempt Status
    3. Employer Identification Number
    4. Federal and State Tax Reporting
      1. Withholding Tax
      2. Reimbursed Expenses
      3. Unemployment Taxes
      4. Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Report Form 940
      5. Property Taxes
      6. State, City and Municipal Taxes
      7. 1094-C and 1095-C Forms
      8. 1099 and 1096 Forms
      9. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Form 274
      10. Trusteeship Reporting
  4. CWA Council Reporting Requirements
  5. Political Committees – IRS Section 527
    1. Establishing, Funding and Using a Separate Account for Political Spending
    2. Reporting by Section 527 Accounts to the IRS
    3. Locals May Be Taxed On General Fund Political Spending
    4. Public Disclosure

 Part VI.  Record Retention

  1. DOL/IRS Record Retention Requirements
  2. Local Record Retention

Part VII.  Local Meetings

  1. Membership Meetings
  2. Executive Board Meetings

Part VIII.  Membership Database and Dues Processing System

Part IX.  Membership Dues

  1. Dues Structure
  2. Types of Dues Payments
  3. Dues Formulas and Examples
  4. Methods of Dues Reporting
  5. Types of Membership
  6. Local Payday with Direct Deposit
  7. Sample Dues Check-Off Contract Language for Use in Negotiations
  8. Possible Dues Remittance Deductions
  9. Request for Automatic Deduction of Per Capita and  Members Relief Fund for Dues Paid to Local – Form MLO-81
  10. Dues Split Subsidy (Local Incentive Program)
  11. Convention Voting Strength Computation
  12. Membership Cards

Part X.  Local Elections

  1. Federal Guidelines for Electing Union Officers
  2. Election Committee Responsibilities
  3. Federal Regulations Governing Union Elections
  4. CWA Constitutional Requirements Governing Union Elections
  5. Local Bylaws-Election Provisions
  6. Local Election Rules
  7. The Role of Observers
  8. Nominations
  9. Common Pitfalls in Conducting Local Elections
  10. Counting Ballots
  11. Sample Forms for Local Elections
    1. Notice of Nomination Form
    2. Mail Ballot Election Form
    3. Polling Place Election Form
    4. Ballot Form
    5. Tally Sheet Form
    6. Tentative Certificate of Results Form
    7. Final Certificate of Results Form

Part XI.  Bond Coverage

  1. Labor Bond Coverage
  2. Labor Bond Claim – How to File?

Part XII.  Local Charters/Jurisdiction 

  1. Local Charter Application
  2. Waiver of Local Jurisdiction
  3. Expansion of Local Jurisdiction
  4. Executive Board Policy on Jurisdictional Changes
  5. Organizing Committees

Part XIII.  Local Bylaws

  1. Local Bylaws Guide
  2. Sample Local Bylaws
  3. Bylaws for Purchase of Real Estate by Locals
  4. Building Committee Amendment to Bylaws

Part XIV.  CWA Local Forms

Part XV.  Local Trials and Appeals; Internal Appeal Procedures; Reinstatement Procedure; and Member Discipline

  1. Local Trial Procedures
  2. Common Problems Involving Local Trial Procedures
  3. Internal Appeals Procedures
  4. Reinstatement Procedure
  5. Member Discipline

Part XVI.  Retirees

  1. Retiree Recognition
  2. Retiree Activism
  3. Retired Members Council
  4. Starting a Retiree Chapter
  5. Retiree Forms

Part XVII.  Union Security Agreements and Agency Fee Objections

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. CWA Objection Process
  4. Private Sector: Providing Notice of Employee Right to Object
  5. Enforcing Union Security Language

Part XVIII.  Strike Manual

  1. History and Purpose
  2. Getting Started
  3. Application and Fund Rules
  4. Healthcare Benefits During Strikes
  5. Record Keeping
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Frequently Asked Questions – Healthcare
  8. Sample Letter Regarding Strike Duty
  9. (Canada) Sample Defense Fund and Supplemental Health Benefits Letters

Part XIX.  Members Relief Fund, Strategic Industry Fund and Growth Fund

  1. Members Relief Fund: Rules
  2. Members Relief Fund: Ground Rules
  3. Strategic Industry Fund
  4. Growth Fund

Part XX.  CWA Materials Wesbsite

Part XXI.  CWA Logo and Union Label

  1. CWA Logo
  2. CWA Label and Allied Printing Trades Label