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Aptify Local Membership and Dues Database

CWA Aptify Link:

Please bookmark the CWA Aptify link or add it to your favorites by clicking the star icon on your web browser.

Need an Aptify Account?

If you need to request a new Aptify user account, please have your local/district/sector President fill out the New Aptify Account Request form by clicking HERE.

Need Training?

To help equip you for success, we offer a variety of trainings throughout the year:

  • Aptify / Dues process
  • Bottom-up Refresher
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Grievance Management Module

To view the training schedule and sign up for training sessions, please fill out and submit the training
form by clicking HERE.

CWA Resources & Learning Lab

We all experience the world in unique ways so there is variation in the ways we learn best. We developed the CWA Resources & Learning Lab for multiple learning styles - some people prefer to learn by hearing, some by seeing, others by doing, some by reading, and others by asking questions. Our goal is to present modules in concise and simple ways to help you grasp concepts and apply practical information.

CWA Resources & Learning lab modules:

  1. Navigating Through Aptify
  2. Search and Global Search
  3. Access and Edit Member Records
  4. Add Member Record
  5. Committees and Officers
  6. Dues Processing Inquiries
  7. Aptify Reports Available
  8. NABET-CWA Dues Processing
  9. CWA Canada
  10. Sensitive Data Management
  11. Retired Members' Council (RMC)
  12. CWA Convention
  13. Association of Flight Attendants (AFA)
  14. CWA Digital Membership Cards
  15. Grievance Management
  16. Additional Resources
  17. Training Sign-Up

The CWA Resources & Learning Lab includes videos, quizzes, and very useful outlines and guides you can print out and keep handy for quick reference. The CWA Resources & Learning Lab is accessible through your computer, tablet, or mobile device by login into your Aptify account. You can explore by clicking HERE.

Dues Specialists

The following district and sector dues specialists/ coordinators have been trained in Aptify basics, and they are available to answer questions and provide general support. They are:

D1 (NJ): Tamara Suttle,

D1 (NY): Alicia Mullaney,

D2-13 (DC, MD, VA & WV): Dee Tillman,

D2-13 (DE, PA): Monique Bitros,

D3: Reyna Munoz,

D4: Michelle Winter,

D6: Nicole Tupa,

D7: Allison Knoke,

D9: Natalie Bullo,

IUE: Brittnie Watts,

NABET: Jodi Fabrizio-Clontz,

TNG: Marian Needham,

AFA: Dante Harris,

Emailing CWA HQ

If you are having trouble with your log-in, email

If you have specific dues questions, including questions about local advances or settlement, or if you need to request a local or PU transfer, email

For issues related to Convention credentials, email

For other questions, including inquiries about Aptify training, email

Have an Aptify question or need additional assistance?

If you have a question or need some assistance, you may do the following: