Updated 6/29/23
CWA Officer Election Voting Procedures FAQ
When does voting begin?
Polls open 45 minutes after Convention recesses on Monday, July 10 and close two hours later. Any delegate waiting in line at the time of the poll closure will be permitted to vote.
Where does voting take place?
Hall 3 of the Convention Center near the vendors area.
How is electronic voting different than voting in past CWA elections?
In past elections, paper ballots in various denominations were given to each delegate. Delegates would indicate their choice on every ballot then place them in a box.
For electronic voting, a delegate will be given a QR code when they check in to vote. They will proceed to a private voting booth where they will use a hand scanner to scan the code into a computer. This brings up the appropriate ballot. They will indicate their vote choices and submit their vote electronically. Delegates may receive more than one code if they are eligible to vote in the T&T election, PHEW election, or are carrying a proxy.
Just as in past elections, delegates will use their badge to check in, confirm their number of votes, and cast their ballot in a private voting area. No delegate or candidate will be able to know how any other delegate voted.
What should I bring to vote?
Delegate badge and identification.
What do I do if I think my number of votes is incorrect?
Delegates can review their number of votes in the CMS (Convention Management System) online when registering for Convention and again when checking in on site. Any issues with voting strength should be discussed with the Credentials Committee at that time. Delegates are generally encouraged to reach out to the credentials committee at cwacredentials@cwa-union.org as soon as possible with any questions or concerns regarding voting strength.
Delegates will review their individual number of votes for a final time at the voting check-in station and confirm that the number is correct. If a delegate believes the number is incorrect, they will proceed to the Credentials Committee table to review the issue. Once the issue is resolved, the delegate will check in again to receive their access code to vote. Any issues regarding vote count must be addressed before proceeding to a voting booth and submitting votes.
Can candidates campaign in the voting line?
No campaigning is allowed inside the election area or in the vendor hall where the line will form.
Each candidate is allowed a maximum of two observers in the election area. A candidate may participate as their own observer, but they will count as one of the two allowed observers. Observers cannot campaign or interfere with voting or tallying in any way.
Who will know how I voted?
Individual votes are anonymized once they have been cast. Voting results are only published in aggregate.
How will election results be announced?
Results will be posted in the elections area. A link to the results will also be texted using the CWA Convention Text Alerts system. To sign up for Convention Text Alerts, visit cwa.org/convention-alerts.
What if there is a runoff?
If a runoff is necessary, the notice for a runoff will be posted with the election results. The announcement will also be texted using the CWA Convention Text Alerts system. The runoff election will begin one hour after the results of the first election are posted.