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It's About Good Jobs at Verizon

CWA Districts 1, 2, and 13 stand unified and ready to fight; the IBEW in NY, NJ and NE stand unified with us.

We stand unified and ready to fight for our wages, benefits, and working conditions.

We stand unified and ready to fight for the middle class standard of living that we have earned and rightfully deserve to keep.

Verizon Is on the Attack

Verizon is slashing union jobsVerizon has cut thousands of union jobs since our last contract.

CWA and IBEW used to represent almost 70% of the total workforce at Verizon.* Today, that’s dropped in half to 35%.

We’re Unified to Fight Back

Our bargaining teams will fight for good jobs and a fair contract.

But contract negotiations are never won solely at the negotiating table.

They are won when leaders demonstrate unity.

They are won when members mobilize.

They are won when management sees that we are willing to stand
together and fight.

In solidarity, we protect good union jobs.

In solidarity, we help protect the middle class

In solidarity, we win!

*The union percentage is based on all employees: wireline and wireless, union and non-union, management and non-management.