Volume 74, Issue #2 | Summer 2014
Putting the Pieces Together
The outlook for bargaining rights in the U.S. and our ability to maintain our current standard of living, let alone improve it, is as hard as it’s ever been. This issue of the CWA News looks at what we need to do to turn that around. It’s not one thing. It is several pieces we need at the same time to build a movement for real change.
Update on Senate Rules
Why should CWA members care about the Senate rules? The Senate?s 60-vote rule blocked employee free choice in 2009 and every other decent labor law reform. If labor law reform had passed, more workers would have bargaining rights and wages would be increasing, not stagnating.
President Elected By National Popular Vote? AMEN
Why should CWA members care about Money in Politics? The Supreme Court declared that corporations are people and money equals speech. The wealthiest Americans and corporations benefit from unlimited money in politics and use it to make sure the Chamber of Commerce agenda is followed on Capitol Hill. This makes it almost impossible to gain laws and regulations that benefit workers.
Reid: 'What a System'
Why should CWA members care about Money in Politics? The Supreme Court declared that corporations are people and money equals speech. The wealthiest Americans and corporations benefit from unlimited money in politics and use it to make sure the Chamber of Commerce agenda is followed on Capitol Hill. This makes it almost impossible to gain laws and regulations that benefit workers.
Congress, States Working to Get Big Money Out of Politic$
Why should CWA members care about Money in Politics? The Supreme Court declared that corporations are people and money equals speech. The wealthiest Americans and corporations benefit from unlimited money in politics and use it to make sure the Chamber of Commerce agenda is followed on Capitol Hill. This makes it almost impossible to gain laws and regulations that benefit workers.
CWA Town hall Call Takes on Money in Politics
Why should CWA members care about Money in Politics? The Supreme Court declared that corporations are people and money equals speech. The wealthiest Americans and corporations benefit from unlimited money in politics and use it to make sure the Chamber of Commerce agenda is followed on Capitol Hill. This makes it almost impossible to gain laws and regulations that benefit workers.