Volume 74, Issue #1 | Spring 2014
Working Together: America Needs a Raise
America needs a raise. Productivity, corporate profits, executive pay and the stock market keep going up, but working families only have seen their wages stagnate. There is no evidence of any economic recovery for most working women and men in the US.
Under TPP, Multinationals Could Challenge US Laws, and Win
Multinational corporations are celebrating the new advantage they hope to get under the TPP. TPP would allow corporations to sue governments over any laws or regulations that could affect their "expected future profits."
Notice Regarding Union Security Agreements and Agency Fee Objections
As a general matter, employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement containing a Union security clause are required, as a condition of employment, to pay an agency fee equal to normal Union dues (and, where applicable, initiation fees). While the wording of these clauses is not perfectly uniform, none requires more than the payment of this agency fee to retain employment.
Fast Track is the Wrong Track
Across the country, CWA activists joined with Sierra Club, Green Peace, Food and Water Watch, Common Cause and dozens of other allies in an unprecedented ten days of action aimed at stopping "fast track" legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other trade agreements.
A CWA Member Tells Senators that Workers Are Losing Ground
Naomi Bolden, Vice President of CWA Local 2204, tells Democratic Senators that the economy isn?t working for working families.