Resolution: 72A-10-8
Adopted: July 27, 2010
The Iraqi government has recently stepped up its attacks on Iraqi unions. It has brought criminal charges against oil worker union leaders for allegedly “undermining the economy of Iraq” and “conspiring to organize for labor rights” in retaliation against the union leaders’ opposition to the privatization of Iraqi oil and other resources, and for their agitation for a new labor law. The Iraqi government has threatened these leaders with three-year prison terms, has exiled them to distant cities, and banned all union leaders from international travel without prior government approval.
These attacks are in response to continuing Iraqi union action to protect workers and secure the still-delayed passage of a labor law that meets core ILO standards. The Iraqi government continues to enforce Saddam Hussein’s 1987 ban on unions in the public sector and public enterprises (80 percent of all workers) and has frozen union bank accounts.
Many CWA locals have welcomed Iraqi union leaders in this country and have supported Iraqi labor rights through past resolutions and actions. The AFL-CIO and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) have taken note of these developments, support the legitimate demands of the Iraqi workers and registered protests.
Resolved: CWA registers its strong objection to the anti-labor violations by the Iraqi government and seeks U.S. government action to reverse Iraq’s anti-labor policies and support to secure full labor rights for Iraqi workers.
Resolved: CWA shall encourage its locals to participate in joint campaigns with the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center, U.S. Labor Against the War, and other labor bodies to pressure Congress and the U.S. administration to take all appropriate steps to help secure full labor rights for Iraqi workers.