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Worker Power Update

CWA Activists Defeat Anti-Worker Ballot Measure, Preserve Democracy

Thanks to the mobilization of CWA activists in Ohio and across District 4, other union activists, and coalition partners, voters in Ohio rejected Issue 1, a ballot measure that would have made it harder to pass future amendments to the Ohio Constitution. The measure, which proposed raising the threshold to make changes to the state constitution from a simple majority of the vote to 60 percent of the vote, would have effectively eliminated the principle of “one person, one vote” in citizen-initiated constitutional amendment ballot issues. This is a huge victory for workers and communities in Ohio as ballot issues are one of the few ways everyday Ohioans can hold legislators accountable.

The activists engaged in a mass mobilization to defeat the measure and send a message to the antidemocratic lawmakers who pushed for it by educating and engaging the community, participating in GOTV efforts, flooding the state legislature, and speaking out in opposition to this harmful measure that would give special interests, lobbyists, and anti-worker politicians more power to pursue their agenda.


CWAers Promote Social Justice

George Floyd Plaza

Last week, CWA activists who gathered in Minneapolis, Minn., to participate in a Runaway Inequality training took part in a pilgrimage to George Floyd Plaza. They were joined by Marcia Howard, Vice President of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, who shared insights about the history of the neighborhood surrounding George Floyd Plaza and emphasized the importance of organizing for social justice.