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Worker Power Update

CWAers Secure Big Victory for Workers in New York

Thanks to the CWAers who have been actively mobilizing, including sending thousands of emails to and holding dozens of meetings with New York legislators, the State Assembly and Senate passed the Protecting Worker Free Speech Rights Act. The bill prevents employers from retaliating against employees who refuse to attend employer-sponsored meetings about personal political ideologies, religious beliefs, or opinions on labor unions, political parties, or civic groups. While this bill doesn’t prohibit an employer from holding a captive audience meeting, it does protect workers by ensuring that they are not punished for refusing to attend.


CWAers in Ohio Mobilize to Defend Democracy

For months, CWA members across Ohio, along with coalition partners, have been mobilizing against the efforts of antidemocratic lawmakers to eliminate the sacred principle of “one person, one vote” in citizen-initiated constitutional amendment ballot issues. Ballot issues are one of the few ways everyday Ohioans can hold legislators accountable. Proposed legislation would undermine their ability to do so by adding further restrictions to the ballot initiative process that would make it harder for citizens to exercise their voice at the ballot box.

The activists have flooded the state legislature and spoken out in opposition to this harmful measure that would give special interests, lobbyists, and anti-worker politicians more power to pursue their agenda. Despite the activists' mobilization, the resolution passed, but the activists immediately launched the Vote No in August campaign to continue their fight to protect voting rights and democracy.

Ahead of the vote in August, CWA District 4 Vice President Linda L. Hinton sent a letter to CWAers last Friday encouraging members to take action to defend democracy in Ohio.


CWA Local 1400 Endorses Aaron Regunberg for Congress

CWA Local 1400 members in New England announced their endorsement of Aaron Regunberg’s campaign for Rhode Island’s First Congressional District on Monday. It is the first union endorsement the campaign has received to date.

“Aaron Regunberg has always walked the walk when it comes to taking on corporate greed and supporting workers,” said Don Trementozzi, President of CWA Local 1400. “When our members at Verizon were striking, we didn’t need to wonder whether Aaron would be with us – he was there at the picket line every day. Rhode Island workers have benefited from Aaron’s leadership already, on issues from paid sick days to higher wages. In Congress, we know he’ll continue to fight for working people, which is why CWA members are excited to knock on doors, make phone calls, and help turn out the vote to elect Aaron Regunberg in September.”

“I am honored to receive this support from CWA Local 1400,” said Regunberg. “The labor movement built this country’s middle class, full stop, and unions like CWA are by far the most powerful tool working people have to win a real voice in our government. I’m excited to continue standing with the members of Local 1400 to fight for an economy that works for all of us, not just corporate CEOs and their bought-and-paid-for Republican allies.”