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Worker Power Update

NLRB Funding

The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) mission is to protect workers’ rights and ensure workers are able to organize, but that mission is in jeopardy. Unless Congress steps in to give the NLRB the funding it needs to function, its ability to protect workers is in danger.

The NLRB has seen a huge uptick in the number of filings for union elections and investigations into labor law violations, but has not seen a funding increase since 2014.

Almost every week, this newsletter has stories about workers who want to organize to join CWA but are faced with relentless, often illegal, opposition from billionaire CEOs who are trying to crush these efforts. In fact, employers are charged with violating the law in 41.5% of all union elections. Workers already face long delays after filing unfair labor practice charges, giving bosses time to bust the union before any action can be taken to hold them accountable. Without increased funding, the NLRB won’t be able to monitor union elections and investigate violations of the law.

It is critically important for Congress to take action to fully fund the NLRB in the coming weeks. Click here to send a message to your Senators and Member of Congress today.


CWAers Mobilize to Win in Georgia

The intensive, grassroots efforts CWA members have been engaged in ahead of the critical 2022 midterm elections continue to pay off. This week, Senator Raphael Warnock won reelection for Georgia’s Senate seat in a runoff election. His victory, which further solidifies the pro-worker majority in the U.S. Senate, would not have been possible without the thousands of activists, including CWA members, who mobilized and built support for his campaign. CWA activists across the country also have actively engaged in this critical race by participating in multiple national phone banks and reaching out to Georgia voters.

Worker Power - Georgia Runoff Mobilization
CWA activists in Georgia and across the country mobilized on the ground and virtually to build support for Senator Raphael Warnock, who won reelection this week.


IUE-CWA Activists Push for Key Pro-Worker Legislation

Worker Power - IUE Lobby Day

IUE-CWA activists traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to meet with their Senators and Representatives in Congress about the need to protect jobs from outsourcing, to ensure tax code benefits for union members and working families, and to hold corporations accountable by fully funding the National Labor Relations Board. The activists shared powerful stories and experiences with their representatives and advocated for the passage of several key CWA-supported pieces of legislation.