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Trump NLRB Appointees Continue Attack on Worker Freedom
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced a series of decisions this week designed to undermine workers' ability to join together to address workplace issues. All three cases were decided by a 3-1 vote, with President Trump's three appointees voting to give employers more control over workers' ability to communicate with each other and maintain their union membership.
"Corporations have far too much power over working people's lives." said CWA President Chris Shelton. "The NLRB is supposed to safeguard workers' freedom to join together and fight back against injustice at their workplaces and protect workers when their employers abuse their power. President Trump's NLRB has done just the opposite. With every decision, they make it harder for workers to speak out and easier for employers to silence them."
The Trump appointees voted to allow employers to restrict the ability of employees to use work email outside of work time to discuss workplace issues, and to prevent workers from discussing ongoing workplace investigations into illegal or unethical behavior, such as sexual harassment. The Board also ruled that employers can stop collecting union dues from members' paychecks upon expiration of a collective bargaining agreement, making it difficult for members to remain in good standing so that they can vote on union issues, such as contract ratification.
"These decisions show why passing legislation like the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act to increase worker power is so important," said CWA Senior Director for Government Affairs and Policy, Shane Larson. "The Trump Administration has been working as fast as they can on corporate America's wish list for silencing anyone who dares to challenge their absolute control over working people's lives. They want us to sit down and shut up."