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Time to Stop Rewarding Contractors That Send Good Jobs Overseas

Jamone Ross, a former call center worker at T-Mobile who lost his job in 2012 when T-Mobile shipped his job overseas, spoke at the rally.

Good Jobs Nation and Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch released a report on the offshoring of good jobs by U.S. government contractors this week. CWAers joined those two groups at a rally in Washington, D.C., to call on President Trump and Congress to take action. In attendance were Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Chuck Schumer, Rep. Keith Ellison, and Jamone Ross, a former call center worker at T-Mobile in Frisco, Tex., who lost his job in 2012 when T-Mobile closed seven call centers and shipped jobs overseas.

"Keeping good jobs in the U.S. is a top priority for working people," said CWA President Chris Shelton. "Corporations that send call center jobs and other good jobs overseas shouldn't be rewarded with federal contracts."

Despite the campaign promises of President Trump, that's exactly what’s happening. The Good Jobs Nation report quantifies the extent of offshoring by the largest U.S. government contractors as well as the absence of action by the Trump administration to keep good jobs in the U.S.

"I'm here today because I want President Trump to keep his promise and stop taxpayer-funded companies like T-Mobile from shipping our jobs overseas and violating worker rights," said Ross. "Even today, T-Mobile is fighting workers who are trying to organize a union. That isn't right.

"President Trump promised to protect American workers and stop offshoring. He could start by signing an executive order to stop contractors from shipping our jobs overseas. It’s been 100 days, and his promise is now overdue," Ross said.

Read the full report here.

CWAers rallied with elected officials including Senator Bernie Sanders in Washington, D.C.