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Supreme Court to Hear Case Attacking Workers' Rights

The U.S. Supreme Court announced it will hear the Janus v. AFSCME case next year. Read President Shelton's statement:

Today's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the Janus v. AFSCME case continues the campaign by corporate interests and right wing groups to restrict the ability of working people to stand together. These groups have been plotting for decades to take away workers' freedom to join together and negotiate for fair wages and benefits, and to improve our workplaces.

Labor law requires that a union, chosen by the majority, represent every worker in a bargaining unit. While no worker is required to join a union, workers can be required to pay their fair share for the cost of the representation – the cost of bargaining higher wages and benefits and the cost of representing a worker through the grievance system. The right-wing attack on fair share is all about weakening unions, with the hope of giving corporations even more power and accelerating the assault on achievements like Social Security, civil rights, wage and hour and safety laws, Medicare, and public education that unions fight every day to preserve.

We hope that the Supreme Court sees through this latest attack on the freedoms and rights of working people and deals with the issues in the Janus case fairly.


No matter how the Court decides, CWA members will meet the challenge and do everything possible to strengthen our union and withstand the attacks on our very right to exist. CWA locals are bringing more members into our union to strengthen our voice at the bargaining table and at every level of the political process. That's what CWA STRONG is all about.