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Students Learn About Benefits of Union Membership at Las Vegas Trades Fair

Last week, CWA members from Local 9413 took the “Union Strong” message to students and parents at East Career and Technical Academy (ECTA) in Las Vegas, Nev. Former ECTA student and current CWA Local 9413 Vice President Carla Campos helped open the event to CWA and other labor unions. This is the second year CWA has taken part in the trades fair, sharing information on post-graduation career opportunities for those who do not want a traditional career path.

Roughly sixty students attended the trades fair. CWA handed out flyers with information on the benefits of union membership and spoke with attendees about CWA’s role at companies like TCG Player and eBay. Campos also spoke from the dais on her experience in a labor union and navigating post-graduation life.

“When I was in high school,” said Campos, “I did not know that there was anything else outside of going to college, joining the military, or just jumping into the workforce. If I knew then what I know today, I would’ve joined a union right after high school!”

CWA Local 9413 Vice President Carla Campos 
CWA Local 9413 Vice President Carla Campos and other CWA members handed out information and advice to students at the East Career and Technical Academy Trades Fair in Las Vegas, Nev.