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On the Strike Line – Sean D. Hamill
Sean Hamill (center) gathers with fellow strikers.
Name: Sean D. Hamill
Local: The Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, TNG-CWA Local 38061
Workplace: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Job Title: Reporter
Experience: 15 years
Strike Time: 28 months
Quote: “Union employees for nearly a century at the Post-Gazette have bargained in good faith with the owners. Their legacy will not be erased.”
Inspiration: “We were in the process of helping the Post-Gazette figure out this online news world before we went on strike, helping it to thrive, and I am eager and ready to continue that work.”
To support striking workers and families, you can do any of these three things today:
- Donate to the strike fund that's used to pay for rent, utility bills, car repairs, groceries, and to keep their pets alive and well.
- Order a T-shirt repping their strike publication, the Pittsburgh Union Progress. All proceeds go to the same strike fund.
- Subscribe to the Pittsburgh Union Progress for free news on the strike, the lives of working people in Western PA and beyond, and more.