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New Flyer Workers in Anniston, Alabama Ratify Union Contract, Signaling a Triumph for Labor in the South

Significant Pay Raises, Expanded Benefits, and Improved Workplace Rights at Largest Transit Bus Manufacturer in North America

ANNISTON, Ala. - Workers at New Flyer's Anniston, Alabama facility have achieved a monumental victory by overwhelmingly ratifying their first union contract with an astounding 99.39% of union members voting in favor. This resounding endorsement underscores the significance of the contract and reflects the strong collective support among workers for the gains achieved through negotiations. This triumph not only signifies a significant step forward for the employees at New Flyer but also marks a watershed moment in Southern labor history, where unions are making strides in traditionally anti-union territory. Represented by the International Union of Electrical Workers-Communications Workers of America (IUE-CWA), the industrial division of the Communication Workers of America (CWA), these workers have secured a landmark agreement with the largest transit bus manufacturer in North America enhancing their wages, benefits, and workplace rights.

The ratification follows months of negotiations between the formation of the union on January 31st and the Tentative Agreement reached on April 15th, cementing the collective efforts of the workforce. The union’s formation laid the groundwork for this historic achievement, demonstrating the unwavering commitment of workers to secure their rights and improve their working conditions.

Under the newly ratified contract, workers are poised to enjoy an array of impressive new benefits, including pay raises ranging from 15 to 38% by 2026, restrictions on forced overtime, expanded vacation and paid time off, improved parental leave, the addition of Juneteenth as a holiday, guaranteed cost-of-living adjustments, and enhanced retirement benefits.

Ryan Masters, a worker at New Flyer, expressed the positive impact the contract will have on his family, stating, “This contract is going to give my family the financial freedom that we have longed for in order to rest easy for once. I now have the option to roll over my vacation to be able to spend more quality time with my children and witness the pivotal moments in their young lives. To me, this contract will change everyone’s lives for the better.”

Shannon Franks, an assembly worker at New Flyer, expressed profound gratitude for the transformative impact of the contract, remarking, "The new contract means better pay, and now that there are improved retirement contributions from the company I will have a better future. It's truly a blessing." Franks emphasized the significance of the victory, stating, "Our union and the hard-fought pay increase will help improve our lives here in Alabama. All Alabama workers deserve the same benefits and a safe work environment."

Marcus King, a worker at New Flyer, highlighted the broader implications of the union victory, stating, "I think this will put New Flyer on the map as one of the better-paying jobs in the area. With the union now in place, it will also make it a great place to work. The union will bring equality and a safer environment for us workers. This is the beginning of a legacy that will last for generations, and I am proud to have been part of getting this started.”

The successful unionization at New Flyer in Anniston, Alabama, represents a beacon of hope for workers across the South, signaling a new era of empowerment and dignity in the workplace. This victory underscores the power of collective action and solidarity in achieving remarkable change. In the past couple of years, more than 1,150 New Flyer employees have unionized with IUE-CWA at facilities in Anniston, Alabama; Shepherdsville, Kentucky; and Jamestown, New York. They now join the 1,200 employees already represented by CWA at New Flyer’s St. Cloud and Crookston, Minnesota assembly plants, and together make up the largest union in the public transit bus manufacturing sector in the United States. An increased union presence at New Flyer marks a significant milestone in the ongoing journey towards fair and equitable treatment for all workers at New Flyer.

Workers at New Flyer were able to freely form their union under a labor peace agreement negotiated between the company and CWA in 2022. This high road approach by New Flyer management ensured that employees could make their own decisions about unionizing without company interference. In 2022, New Flyer also negotiated a community benefits agreement with a coalition of community groups led by Jobs to Move America (JMA), in which the company committed to ambitious hiring and promotion goals aimed at removing barriers for historically disadvantaged groups.

Carl Kennebrew, President of IUE-CWA, praised New Flyer’s management for their commitment to these agreements, stating, “New Flyer's management has absolutely lived up to the commitments they made in their agreements. Workers in Jamestown, Shepherdsville, and Anniston have been able to make their own decision, without any management interference, about whether or not to join the union. We have negotiated a new apprenticeship program and strong collective bargaining agreements so these are good, family-supporting jobs.”

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