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CWA Reaches Tentative Agreements with AT&T Midwest and Legacy T Units

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) bargaining teams have reached tentative agreements with AT&T’s Midwest and Legacy T units, including Legacy T in Puerto Rico.

“I am incredibly proud of our AT&T Midwest bargaining teams and our members,” said CWA District 4 Vice President Linda L. Hinton. “We did not back down and our agreement reflects the priorities we brought to the bargaining table on jobs, health care and employment security.

“Our members have been fighting for this agreement for over a year,” said CWA Telecommunications and Technologies Vice President Lisa Bolton. “It was not easy, but because they continued to put pressure on the company through workplace actions and by engaging elected officials and the public we have been able to preserve jobs in AT&T’s Legacy T unit.”

The agreements come after a long campaign to raise public awareness of CWA members’ concerns, particularly around job security. Most recently, CWA issued a series of reports highlighting service quality issues in the Midwest. The new Midwest agreement provides for additional call center jobs and contains a commitment to discuss contracted out work.

Details of the proposed contracts are being provided to the locals’ leadership, and contract explanation meetings are being scheduled prior to the ratification vote.


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