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CWA Board Votes to Make Passing PRO Act to Build Worker Power a Litmus Test for 2020 Endorsements

Citing the importance and urgency of building worker power, the Communications Workers of America’s Executive Board voted unanimously to make supporting the Protecting the Right to Organizing (PRO) Act a litmus test for 2020 incumbent political candidates to receive a CWA endorsement.

“If a sitting Member of Congress or a Senator doesn’t vote for the PRO Act to expand workers’ rights, they won’t receive an endorsement for reelection from the Communications Workers of America in 2020,” CWA President Chris Shelton said. “The stakes have never been higher in this election for workers. All incumbent House and Senate candidates seeking the support of CWA members who are gearing up to knock on thousands of doors, make phone calls, and get out the vote must fight to pass this crucial piece of legislation. Our future depends on it.”

The PRO Act will give CWA members and all workers more power to win better wages, benefits, and working conditions. It will protect strikers, make it easier for workers to join unions, prevent the misclassification of workers as independent contractors, deal a blow to "right-to-work" laws, and much more.

“It’s time for our elected officials to really start earning the support of labor union members. For too long, too many of them have sat by doing nothing to protect or expand workers’ rights as corporations and the top 1% have fought vigorously to destroy unions. Our existing labor laws are out-of-date and not nearly strong enough to combat billionaires’ and corporations’ endless greed. The PRO Act gives working people, including CWA members, a fighting chance to fix the laws that make it so difficult for working people to join together for better working conditions. ”

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