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CWA Applauds Marty Walsh for Championing the Rights of Workers, Calls for a Successor to Follow in His Footsteps

Throughout his tenure as Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh has done a phenomenal job ensuring workers have a seat at the table. He has gone above and beyond to protect and expand the rights of working families, including CWA members. In addition to focusing the Department’s resources to support worker organizing and empowerment, he has personally met with and encouraged workers who are organizing with CWA. Serving under President Biden, the most pro-union President in history, Walsh played an instrumental role in executing key pieces of the Administration's pro-worker agenda. His role in ensuring the inclusion of strong labor standards in federal broadband funding, raising wages and workplace standards for federal contract workers, and strengthening health and safety rules cannot be understated.

In addition to being a longtime union leader and the first union member to serve as Labor Secretary, his appointment as Co-Chair of the White House’s Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment was another testament to Walsh’s dedication to lift up the interests of working families. The labor movement and working people across the country are better off today because of his leadership. We encourage President Biden to nominate a successor who will follow in Walsh’s footsteps and build on his progress to strengthen the middle class and make sure workers have the freedom to join together in unions to stand up for themselves and improve their workplaces.


About CWA: The Communications Workers of America represents working people in telecommunications, customer service, media, airlines, health care, public service and education, manufacturing, tech, and other fields. @cwaunion

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