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Bird Union-CWA Wins First Union Contract at Audubon

With a unanimous vote, Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 members ratify first union contract with the National Audubon Society

NATIONWIDE — Today, members of the Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 unanimously voted to ratify the first union contract at the National Audubon Society. The contract covers 260 union members represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 1180 and was reached after more than two years of negotiations, supported by mobilization of union members across the country.

The contract builds a foundation of union rights at Audubon, giving union workers just cause job protections, the organization’s first grievance procedure, and arbitration rights. The union members will receive up to 7% annual raises, including the first guaranteed across-the-board annual raise of 3% to all members. Across-the-board raises have been shown to improve pay equity, an important goal for Bird Union members. The contract also improves important employee benefits, such as paid parental leave, which will increase sixfold, from the previous two weeks to 12 weeks of paid leave.

“After four hard-fought years, workers have secured a union contract for the first time in Audubon’s 119-year history,” said Shyamlee Patel, a member of the Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 and Audubon employee. “We’ve won better wages, better benefits, and better working conditions for ourselves—and secured a better future for Audubon. This contract supports and empowers workers who are dedicated to protecting the birds and the planet.”

“This union contract marks a new beginning for Audubon—one where union members and management are able to collaborate instead of being at odds,” said Erin Hamilton, a member of the Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 and Audubon employee. “Reaching this agreement means so much for so many dedicated working members across the organization. And I am so glad to have been part of this historic moment in Audubon's growth and a future where we can all focus on what's really important, the BIRDS!”

“Members have been waiting a long time for the benefits and protections that a contract provides,” said Soncey Kondrotis, a member of the Bird Union-CWA Local 1180 and Audubon employee. “We will finally see raises and bonuses and wage leveling that has been promised for years—monies that people have needed in these years we have been bargaining. Through the process of forming our union and negotiating our contract, I have had the opportunity to meet some of the great people we have at Audubon, and I only see this organization changing for the better for everyone going forward.”

“This agreement is the result of membership solidarity, patience, strength, and action,” said Robin Blair-Batte, Secretary-Treasurer of CWA Local 1180, which represents Audubon workers. “Our Bird Union members have shown that when we stand together, we win. Together, Local 1180 members fought for a contract that will raise standards at Audubon and includes significant gains for every part of our membership—and for those who come after.”

The contract was ratified unanimously through a vote that gave every union member a voice in their union contract.


About CWA: The Communications Workers of America represents working people in telecommunications, customer service, media, airlines, health care, public service and education, manufacturing, tech, and other fields. @cwaunion

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