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AT&T Uses Mediation to Delay Bargaining with CWA

Union Withdraws From Mediation as AT&T Continues to Stall Negotiations
Disruptive Strike Enters Third Week

In response to AT&T’s disingenuous use of the mediation process to stall negotiations, the Communications Workers of America have informed AT&T and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service that the union is no longer interested in the mediation process.

“Our bargaining team was optimistic that AT&T’s suggestion that we enter mediation with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) meant that the company was finally ready to bargain in good faith. Unfortunately, that turned out not to be the case. Instead, the company was using the mediation process as another delaying tactic,” said CWA District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt. “We appreciate the mediator’s efforts. Our message to AT&T is: no more excuses. It’s time to get serious about bargaining so we can get back to work serving our customers.”
Over 17,000 technicians, customer service representatives, and others who install, maintain, and support AT&T’s residential and business wireline telecommunications network are on strike in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee in response to AT&T’s failure to bargain in good faith.

As a result of the strike, AT&T is using undertrained managers and contractors to perform maintenance and repairs. As a result, AT&T customers have experienced widespread outages and long wait times for repairs and service.


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