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President Shelton: Trump Filling ‘Swamp’ with ‘Alligators’ —  Wall Street Tycoons and Billionaires

In a piece in the Huffington Post, CWA President Chris Shelton wrote about the disturbing picks for cabinet nominees now going through confirmation hearings in the U.S. Senate:

It's not very difficult to run for political office as an outsider and claim that you'll do everything differently than anyone else. When you have never held office and governed, you have the advantage of having no track record at all.

Throughout the campaign, now President Donald Trump led his rallies with chants of "Drain the swamp," his catch phrase about getting rid of politicians he called corrupt and ending Wall Street control over our economy. But now we've learned that "Drain the swamp" actually means, "Drain the swamp and then fill it with advisors who are ready to pursue their Wall Street agenda, whether that means getting rid of consumer protections from abuses of the Big Banks, rejecting efforts to pay workers' overtime wages, or vowing to privatize the Medicare program that has done so much for our nation's seniors."

Soon up for Senate confirmation will be Rep. Tom Price to head the Department of Health and Human Services. This is a disturbing choice for many reasons.

Price has led the charge to privatize Medicare, which would seriously jeopardize the lives of millions of Americans and particularly harm seniors.

Read the full piece here.

CWAers are continuing to mobilize to Stop the Corporate Cabinet. CWA locals have been leafleting worksites at least one day a week about these nominees, and calling their Senators to tell them to oppose the Wall Street takeover of our government.

Call your Senators now at 1-888-701-5344. Tell them to oppose Tom Price for Secretary of HHS and to save Medicare.

Learn more about CWA' campaign to Block the Corporate Cabinet here.