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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers Win Core Demand for Healthcare
After holding strong on the picket line for nearly two and a half years, striking members of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh (TNG-CWA Local 38061) have won a core demand for the restoration of their healthcare benefits through a rare federal injunction.
A federal court has ordered the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to restore the workers’ healthcare and bargain with the workers upon their request. Though still on strike, the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh has already submitted demands for the restoration of healthcare and for bargaining dates.
In 2020, the company illegally and unilaterally tore up the editorial workers’ union contract, claiming they had bargained to an impasse. Both an administrative law judge and the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C., ruled that the company broke federal labor law in this instance, in addition to bargaining in bad faith and illegally surveilling its workers.
“NewsGuild-CWA members have a saying: whatever it takes,” said NewsGuild-CWA President Jon Schleuss. “Guild members have struck for 29 months knowing we were right and the company broke federal law. Today the Third Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with us. We’re thrilled and will continue doing our job holding power to account, especially when it’s the boss.”
The company is facing additional legal consequences as a federal court considers a request from the federal labor board to enforce a ruling that would require the Post-Gazette to restore working conditions consistent with the entire 2014-17 contract, including paid time off, wages, employees having a guaranteed work week, and the right to question company discipline, among other issues, as well as back pay to workers for wage reductions and increased healthcare costs.