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Organizing Update
Orlando Sentinel
Orlando Sentinel workers voted overwhelmingly to join the NewsGuild-CWA this week. The 53-person bargaining unit will join CWA Local 3108.
The group, which organized around cuts to their newsroom, faced unexpected delays when their March 25th election was canceled by the NLRB, causing a delay of nearly seven weeks for their vote count.
Inside Higher Ed
Less than a week after publicly announcing their union campaign, 12 editorial and tech employees at DC-based Inside Higher Ed won voluntary recognition. The group will join the Washington-Baltimore NewsGuild.
Issues for the workers included shifting schedules, tight deadlines, and the desire to gain stability by having a seat at the table. The group had previously delivered a petition to management and won better severance pay, showing the power of collective action!
Pop-Up Magazine Productions
Staffers at Pop-Up Magazine Productions announced this week that they are forming a union as part of the Media Guild of the West. An overwhelming majority of more than 30 non-management employees at Pop-Up Magazine and The California Sunday Magazine signed union authorization cards.
The editors, producers, designers, and other staffers said they are seeking to partner with management to build a sustainable work environment for all, including by addressing issues such as job security, transparency, career growth, and compensation.