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Organizing Update


Eighty workers at Postmedia's printing plant in Toronto are joining the NewsGuild-CWA after voting to join the Canadian Media Guild (CWA Canada Local 30213). The workers organized for fair pay, a voice in decisions that impact their work lives, health and safety, and job security.

The unit includes all employees at the printing facility, including the press room, reel room, and distribution center.


Billings Gazette

Newsroom employees at Montana's largest daily newspaper won union recognition July 2 in a unanimous vote. They will become members of the Denver NewsGuild.

After announcing their plans on May 28, members of The Montana NewsGuild participated in a mail ballot election administered by the National Labor Relations Board through its regional office in Denver, with all 18 ballots cast voting "yes."


Tribune Content Agency

Staff members of the Tribune Content Agency took a major step Monday toward forming a union, championing the fight against corporate takeovers of newsrooms. More than 75 percent of eligible staff signed cards signaling their desire to be represented by the Tribune Content Guild, part of the NewsGuild-CWA.

"Our goal is simple: Ensuring the integrity of our newsrooms and well-being of our co-workers so that, amid industry upheaval and uncertainty, we continue to produce and provide the quality journalism our clients and their communities trust," a statement signed by 34 workers said.