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On Labor Day and Beyond, We Are All CWA STRONG

In a Labor Day message, CWA President Chris Shelton highlighted the challenges facing our union in the face of the Janus Supreme Court decision, and how CWA members are fighting back.

"While we honor our past, we are not bound by it," Shelton said. "CWA members have always looked toward the future and have made sure that our union is strong enough to withstand the tough times. The Janus decision and the aggressive campaign the one percent is waging to encourage members to drop out of the union is a test of that strength."

Shelton said he is ready to bring forward "big, bold proposals" next summer at CWA's 77th Convention to increase our ability to organize and mobilize in light of the new challenges we face.

"We have shown that we can overcome any challenge to grow our union. These times are calling on each of us to be the fearless labor movement heroes that we read about in history books. Those who came before us would expect us to fight like hell against this barrage of assaults on decent jobs and workers' rights, and those who come after us will be grateful that we did."

Read the full statement here.

On Labor Day, CWA members joined community events to show that we are CWA STRONG.