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The Company and Union Bargaining Teams met yesterday and are scheduled to meet again today. The bargaining teams agreed to pause formal bargaining sessions to meet informally to discuss the new “Nokia World” and to explore ways that the Installation workforce could exist inside of this new leaner and more mobile workforce. While the Union feels that this model is simply another iteration of “recycled transformation”, we are committed to pushing for an Installation bargaining unit inside of Nokia. Discussions included the Installation Skill Classification Plan, Benefit Plans and Programs, unique customer needs, projected work forecast and the Union’s ideas for continued use of Installers. Once we resume formal negotiations we will advise the membership and will resume posting bargaining reports. In the meantime we are still under status quo for all terms of employment including wages and benefits.

One day longer, one day stronger! An injury to one, is an injury to all! United We Stand!

Your Bargaining Team,


Mary Jo Reilly

Steve Amato

Luis Benitez