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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Bargaining Team did not met with the Company today. The Company did not have anything for us today and do not anticipate having anything for us next week. They have requested that we touch base in the latter part of next week to discuss schedules going forward. We will keep you apprised of the bargaining schedule once it is confirmed.

It it is imperative that we mobilize. You need to let Nokia’s Executives and Nokia’s customers know that eliminating good Union jobs and putting Retiree’s benefits at risk is BAD BUSINESS. Use this link to send an online letter to Nokia’s Ricky Corker, EVP of Americas and Nokia’s Andy Golby, Head of Network Implementation of Americas, telling them to save American jobs and bargain in good faith!

An Injury To One, Is An Injury To All! United We Stand!


Your Bargaining Team,

Mary Jo Reilly

Steve Amato

Luis Benitez