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Next Gen Member Profile: Adam Mosley, CWA District 4

Adam Mosley, CWA District 4 Next Gen 
On October 5, Adam joined fellow members of CWA Local 4501 and national AFL-CIO President Liz Schuler at a canvassing event in Ohio for Sen. Sherrod Brown. Pictured left to right: Dee Devastey, Local 4501 Next Gen Committee member; Yasir Lalla, Executive Vice President Local 4501; Mericle Long, President Local 4501; Liz Schuler, President of the AFL-CIO; and Adam Mosley, Next Gen Lead Activist, CWA District 4.

Name: Adam Mosley
Local: CWA Local 4501
Workplace: The Ohio State University
Job title: Facilities Maintenance Associate
Union positions held: Executive Board member, shop steward, and member of the following committees: Next Gen, Organizing, Women's, and Communication.
Mentorship: “My Local President Mericle Long has taken me under her wing and has been a real mentor to me. She has taught me the importance of letting everyone have their say, even if we don’t always agree. Our union is stronger when everyone's voice matters.”
Inspiration: “What inspired me to get involved in my union was working non-union jobs and recognizing how much better off we would be if we had a union. Once I finally got my union job, I jumped at the chance to get involved. Then I joined Next Gen when I saw how few young members were involved in the Local.”
Current Work: “I am passionate about political activism. I participated in the CWA Political Boot Camp in August, and now I am working with Legislative and Political Coordinators in my District to activate fellow members in support of worker-friendly candidates this election day, including voter education and registration, canvassing, phone banking, and GOTV.”
Future: “I would like to not only grow the youth movement but expand the labor movement to job markets not typically associated with unions, such as white-collar jobs. In the next five years, I would like to become a more seasoned and well-rounded activist. There is still so much for me to learn, and I’m eager to step up my activism.”
Quote: “Power never takes a step back—only in the face of more power.” Malcolm X. “This quote speaks to me because although it might seem like corporations have limitless power, they don’t stand a chance against people who are truly united.”

Adam would like to connect with young activists and potential mentors across CWA District 4. You can reach him at

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