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Movement Building Update
IUE-CWA Activists Focus on Diversity
Last week, more than 65 IUE-CWA activists came together in Dayton, OH, to talk about inclusion, acceptance, and diversity within their union. The IUE-CWA Diversity Ambassadors Program brings members from all walks of life to explore ways to expand minority leadership roles, promote workplace health and safety, and build mobilization. Workshops covered skill-building, including public speaking and learning new ways to talk about diversity issues.
ICYMI: CWAers join Fight for $15 and a Union
Left: Activists wear Fight for $15 stickers to work at New Flyer's bus
manufacturing plant in Anniston, Ala.
Right: TU activists hosted a cookout outside T-Mobile's call center in Wichita, Kan.
Victory at Texas Walmart
CWA activists join Our Walmart, UFCW, Jobs with Justice Texas and the Dallas AFL-CIO in celebrating a National Labor Relations Board ruling that said Walmart unlawfully retaliated against workers who participated in strikes and must reinstate those former employees.