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Latest Health Care Proposal Hurts Working Families, Exempts Congress

U.S. House leaders released the text of their latest attempt at repealing the Affordable Care Act, and it's full of bad news for working families.

Costs for people with pre-existing conditions would skyrocket, working people over age 50 would pay a big "age tax," and many couldn't buy any insurance at all. Insurance companies would be able to sell health care plans that don’t cover essential care or allow for necessary treatment like chemotherapy.

Unacceptable, right? Well, members of Congress and their staffers must think so, too. In fact, Republicans have exempted themselves from this proposal so far. That way they can keep real insurance protections. If this passes, the rest of us are out of luck. 

A vote could happen as soon as Friday. Click here or dial 1-855-980-2231 and tell your member of Congress to oppose the ACA repeal.