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It’s Time to Fight for Our Labor Movement

On February 24, in cities across the country, CWA members and allies will unite with thousands of working people to demand an end to an economy that's rigged in favor of the wealthiest and most powerful.

Why are we taking to the streets now? Because in late February, the Supreme Court will hear a court case called Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.

This case is the culmination of decades of attacks on working people by corporate CEOs, the wealthiest 1%, and the politicians that do their bidding to rig the economy in their favor. It's meant to destroy the ability of people who work in the public sector, including more than 100,000 CWA members, to join together in unions to negotiate better wages, benefits, and protections that improve work conditions and set standards for everyone.

The potential effects of a negative decision will be felt at every level of CWA and the labor movement as a whole.

It's up to us to fight back – through the CWA STRONG program, which strengthens our union at all levels, and by taking to the streets.

On the Working People's Day of Action, we will stand up for the freedom of working people to join together in strong unions and fight for decent and equitable pay for our work, affordable health care, quality schools, vibrant communities, and a secure future for all of us.

Join your local Working People's Day of Action here.