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Flight Attendants Fight for 10

Flight Attendants in uniform will "Rally for Rest" at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC, on March 16, then lobby members of Congress to get these critical changes included in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) re-authorization.

Flight Attendants are entrusted with the safety, health, and security of passengers. But they're often asked to perform duties during their "rest" time, resulting in getting less rest than required. Airline Pilots and other flight deck crew are covered by a 10-hour minimum rest requirement. But Flight Attendants right now have just an eight-hour rest period between 14-hour days, AFA-CWA said.

Gaining the 10-hour minimum rest requirements for Flight Attendants is a top legislative priority for AFA-CWA, and Flight Attendants have been mobilizing and succeeded in getting the 10-hour rest period included in the House version of the FAA authorization. Now, the goal is to keep it in that bill and call on the Senate to do the same.