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February 2016 District 6 OSH Conference Call

  • Participants- Stacy Gilmore, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 6137 Calvin Carter, Vice President, CWA Local 6139 Malashon Tennison, Vice President, CWA Local 6203 Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222 Darrick Inscho, CWA Local 6360 Randy Crane, CWA Local 6402 Mary Ann Hopkins, President, CWA Local 6502 Patrick Welch, Vice President, CWA Local 6505 Tim Andrews, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 6508 Charlie Torres, CWA Representative, and David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director
  • CWA District 6/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health Committee- Charlie Torres, CWA Representative reported on the Union’s victory convincing AT&T to provide protective sunscreen at no cost to affected outside plant technicians. During his report, Charlie recognized and congratulated Tanya Holmes, CWA Local 6327, for her excellent work in preparing a comprehensive report introduced to all labor-management committee members. This report convinced the company to agree to provide the sunscreen. News of the CWA victory has been provided to other districts for their use. Following the November, 2014 fatality of Bill Morton, CWA Local 6300 member and AT&T technician, Charlie led the discussion with the company to finally introduce an emergency alert device for use by company technicians. After similar repeated attempts over the last few years, the Union believes it is time for the company to provide this essential tool/device. Patrick Welch, CWA Local 6505, noted the Union has introduced additional items including office issues such as maintenance of bathrooms and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for consideration.
  • CWA Fatalities- David LeGrande reported four member fatalities have occurred since November, 2015. They include: CWA Local 3676- Dennis Martin, 51 years of age, andDaniel Anderson, 33 years of age, died on November 30, 2015 while performing their work at SPX Transformer Solutions, Goldsboro. North Carolina. After entering a large transformer to perform testing functions, they were overcome by leaking nitrogen gas. CWA Local 3676 and District 3 have joined together with the employer to support the grieving families and co-workers. Following the incident, North Carolina OSHA initiated a comprehensive investigation to determine the cause and identify steps to prevent future occurrences. CWA Local 2222- John Hare, 51 years of age, a Verizon technician with 26 years seniority, died on December 15, 2015 after falling from a ladder while performing aerial telecommunications work. CWA Local 2222 is working with Verizon to determine the cause of this tragedy as well as provide counseling and assistance to family members and co-workers. Meanwhile, Virginia OSHA has launched a fatality investigation. CWA Local 3112- Fred Bosch, 42 years of age with 15 years seniority, was electrocuted while performing aerial telecommunications work. Employed by AT&T as an outside plant technician, Fred was placing aerial cable/strand when he into contact with live electrical wire. CWA District 3 and CWA Local 3112 are conducting an investigation into Fred’s death and are working to provide family support. In addition, Federal OSHA is conducting its own fatality investigation.
  • CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Training- Conducted under the auspices of an occupational safety and health grant awarded by the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to CWA and the USW and supplemented with the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Strategic Industry Fund, District 6 safety and health trainer Randy Rodrigues, CWA Local 6222, and Mary Ann Hopkins, CWA Local 6502, reported on the most recent one-day training session conducted at Local 6215, Dallas, Texas. They announced the next training sessions will be conducted March 21 at CWA Local 6143 , San Antonio, Texas and April 12 at CWA Local 6012, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Participants discussed the proven value of these sessions in helping to ensure members are provided safe and healthful working conditions, helping to build and strengthen the union particularly by placing increased importance upon safe and healthful workplaces, as well as involving members in this process.
  • OSHA Construction Industry Confined Spaces Standard- David LeGrande discussed the present status of the standard. Noting although the standard is presently in effect, since AT&T and Verizon have filed to block the standard, enforcement of the standard within the telecommunications industry is questionable. The companies are opposed to the standard because it provides significantly more protection to affected works particularly in the following areas: Worker training Provision of a second person within close proximity of the worksite in case of an emergency Provision of a trained, competent person to evaluate the working conditions and Site air monitoring requirements. After considerable discussion, David indicated CWA Headquarters in involved in the legal aspects of the case and will keep participants informed with new developments.
  • AT&T Single Point of Contact Program-

David LeGrande mentioned AT&T’s introduction of this program in District 4 as well as CWA’s successful efforts to keep the company from expanding this program. A primary feature of the program is the company’s unilateral selection of technicians to conduct safety and health work directly affecting CWA-represented member working conditions. As required by the National Labor Relations Act these activities must be presented to the union before their introduction allowing CWA to request the program be considered through the collective bargaining/contractual process. District 6 participants noted the Single Point of Contact program has not been introduced by AT&T within District 6. However, the company has recently initiated an employee incentive program. Details of the program will be made available soon.

  • Workplace Violence- David LeGrande asked participants if there were any active workplace violence cases. Fortunately, no new cases were reported.
  • Date of the Next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call- The next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be held Thursday, May 12, 2016 from 9:00- 10:30 a.m. (CST).