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"Zombie Republicans" Fail to Address Immigration
In some great street theatre in Bakersfield, California, a citizen coalition of CWAers, SEIU members, immigration activists and allies, and community and faith activists called out House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) and other House Republicans for their failure to take up comprehensive immigration reform.
They also urged President Obama to sign an executive order to help the more than 11 million immigrants and their families in the U.S. who have been waiting for years for relief.

Activists in Bakersfield, Calif., call out Rep. Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans for their failure to take action on immigration reform.

"House Republicans are acting like zombies," CWA California Political Director Rob England said. "They exist but they don't do anything, especially on immigration."
Activists rallied outside McCarthy's office in Bakersfield, wearing zombie rags and face masks of House GOP Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and others, then danced zombie-like to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." With the crowd chanting "sign it, sign it," an activist wearing a mask of President Obama signed a piece of paper, signifying the executive order that immigrant rights supporters want the President to sign.
The Kern Coalition for Citizenship includes members of CWA, the United Farm Workers, Cesar Chavez Foundation, SEIU, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, United Domestic Workers, G.I. Forum, Fair Immigration Reform Movement, and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), which has been at the center of the fight for immigrant and refugee rights for 21 years.