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Workers' Memorial Day -- April 28, 2010

On April 28, 2010, CWA and the U.S. labor movement will once again celebrate and observe Workers' Memorial Day. This year, the theme for Workers' Memorial Day is "Good Jobs. Safe Jobs NOW."

As we remember those who have become ill, injured, or killed on the job, we will also renew our fight for strong safety and health protections. Participation in Workers' Memorial Day -- 2010 is of particular significance to CWA as we lost two members to workplace fatalities during the last year. In addition, many of our members have suffered work-related injuries, illnesses, and "near misses."

With the 2008 election of Barack Obama, the American labor movement has seen the rebirth of effective workplace and environmental safety and health regulation. This progress has occurred through the work of CWA and other unions. As we move forward, we must continue to work hard to ensure employers are providing all workers with safe and healthful working conditions. Participating in Workers' Memorial Day will help sustain our momentum.

President Larry Cohen urges you to get involved on April 28 and organize actions to highlight the toll of work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. We must make it clear CWA and the entire labor movement will continue the fight for safe and healthy workplaces.

Workers' Memorial Day materials are available from the AFL-CIO. Copes of these materials are available at the AFL-CIO website.

As you plan your Workers' Memorial Day activities, work with other CWA locals and your district office. Download the Report on Workers' Memorial Day Events -- 2010 and return the form so that we may publicize and report actions on the web.