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Workers' Memorial Day

To:  All Local Presidents

Subject:  Workers' Memorial Day -- April 28, 2009

Dear Colleagues:

On April 28, 2009, CWA and the U.S. labor movement will once again celebrate and observe Workers' Memorial Day to remember those who have become ill, injured, or killed on the job, as well as to renew our fight for strong safety and health protections.  Participation in Workers' Memorial Day – 2009 is of particular significance to CWA. During the last year, we lost several  of our members to workplace fatalities.  In addition, many of our members have suffered work-related injuries, illnesses, and "near misses," in some cases, suffering severe medical disorders because of these incidents. 

During the last eight years, we have witnessed the Bush Administration's neglect and inaction to ensure employers are providing the necessary workplace safety and health protections.  The result has been major workplace safety and health hazards remain unaddressed and many workers lack basic safety and health protections and rights.

However, with the historic election of Barack Obama as U.S. president, the American labor movement not only has the opportunity to change the direction of the country, but also to strengthen workplace safety and health protections and to mobilize and organize around safety and health issues. 

This year, the theme for Workers’ Memorial Day is "Good Jobs. Safe Jobs. Give Workers a Voice for Change."  I urge you to get involved on April 28 and organize actions, activities, and observances in represented workplaces and communities to highlight the toll of work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities -- making it clear CWA and the entire labor movement will continue the fight for safe and healthy workplaces, the guarantee that workers have the right to form a union, as well as the right of workers to organize for dignity, respect, and a better future.  As you plan your Workers' Memorial Day activities, I encourage you to work with other CWA Locals, as well as your District and National Bargaining Unit Vice Presidents and AFL-CIO state and local central labor councils.

Workers' Memorial Day materials are available from the AFL-CIO.  For copies of these materials, click onto or call the AFL-CIO Safety and Health Department at 202-637-5367.

Please contact David LeGrande, Director of our Occupational Safety and Health Department, if we can assist you in planning an event.  Also, attached is the "Report on Workers' Memorial Day Events – 2009"; please return it so that we may publicize your actions. 

In Unity,

Larry Cohen

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c:  Executive Board