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What you need to know when the CWA contract with AT&T Mobility expires

CWA's contract with AT&T Mobility expires this Saturday, February 9, at midnight. When this happens, you should be prepared for these possible situations:

We come to a tentative agreement on a new contract.
This means that our Bargaining Team believes they have the best agreement available to us at this time, and it will be put out for a membership vote. All Local Leaders will receive a detailed explanation of the new contract that they will share with all members. Once our questions are answered, our Union will conduct ratification votes that will be compiled and counted. If the majority votes in favor of the new contract, it will go into effect immediately. If the contract is voted down, we are essentially telling the bargaining team: We are ready to strike for a better deal.

We extend the existing contract.
The means our Union and the company have agreed to extend the current contract and continue negotiations past the expiration date. Everything continues as it is today, with one difference: we will need to significantly ramp up our mobilization activity on the job and in the streets. Your action and support will be key to the success of our mobilization efforts and a contract!

Our contract expires and we continue to work.
This means that we have no new agreement and we believe we can pressure the company on the job and on the streets well enough to get a new contract without going on strike. Of course, a strike is still an option if we aren’t seeing real effort to achieve a contract.

In this scenario, you will:

  • Continue to work.
  • Earn a paycheck. The company cannot change your wages or working conditions.
  • Receive all benefits, including health
  • care.
  • Maintain the grievance procedure, but probably not arbitration.

We go on strike.
This means we are far from an agreement and that our Bargaining Team feels that the only option is to strike. It means the company is refusing our priorities and proposing conditions that we just cannot accept. If we go on strike, we leave the workplace and take all of our personal belongings with us. We will not be paid by the company during a strike, and at the end of the current month, our healthcare benefits will stop. Once this decision is made, your Local Union will be in contact with you to give you your strike duty.

All members need to help win a strike. We must have a strong picket line and have members working on other efforts to pressure the company to settle the strike. If a strike lasts longer than two weeks, members will be paid from the CWA Membership Relief Fund. Your Local Union will have details on how to collect from the fund.

As a Union member, you have the legal right to participate in “concerted activity.” You can mobilize on the job: wear buttons and stickers, leaflet and do informational picketing. When we are at work, it will not be business as usual.

Our AT&T Mobility contract is important: Mobilize!