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CWA Health Care Reform Update: Coverage of Dependent Children to Age 26

What are the details of the new mandate that dependents must be covered up to age 26?

For all plan years beginning after September 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act requires health plans that offer dependent coverage to offer coverage to dependent children until the day they turn 26. This provision of the Affordable Care Act defines a national minimum that all plans must meet. Plans may voluntarily extend coverage through the month or plan year that dependent children turn 26 and individual states may require coverage be available beyond age 26.

Employer-sponsored health plans that existed before the Affordable Care Act was signed into law are temporarily exempt from this requirement until January 1, 2014 if the young adult has access to their own employer-based coverage. Starting in 2014 all plans (new and old, group or individual) must offer dependent coverage up to age 26 regardless of other coverage opportunities for the young adult dependent.

Answers to more specific questions on this topic are available here: Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act