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We're Building a Movement 50 Million Strong


U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) meets with activists at Local 3204 in Atlanta.

Below: Local 3204 President Walter Andrews and D3 Vice President Judy Dennis join the "southern strategy session."



Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) spoke to a packed house at CWA Local 3204 on how union activists and others must join together throughout the South to restore economic justice for working families.

CWA Local 3204 President Walter Andrews and D3 Vice President Judy Dennis attended the meeting.

The "southern strategy" session was one of several town hall meetings during which Sanders met with union members, democratic and independent activists, and others to talk about the big economic issues facing working people. In addition to Atlanta, meetings were held in Birmingham, Ala.; Columbia and St. Helena, SC, and in Jackson, Miss., by video conference.

Sanders told MSNBC's Ed Schultz that, "what the American people are saying is very clear. They are saying in poll after poll, 'Do not cut Social Security, do not cut Medicare, do not cut Medicaid.' The most important issue is the need to create millions of jobs, so we deal with this frightfully high unemployment that we're seeing."


More than 50 activists from CWA, other unions, community and faith allies assembled at the California office of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R) to deliver this message: "Your time is up on immigration reform." Speakers included activists from CWA, WIC, SEIU, CHIRLA, and an undocumented family. The delegation entered the congressman's office and delivered 11 ringing alarm clocks while chanting "Your time is up!" McCarthy was unavailable for a meeting.

CWAers included Richard Moe, Chris Golden, Rob England, Shane Gentry, Mary Helen-Castro, and Tania Rodriguez Salinas from Local 9416, and Delia Sorrano, Ann Cervantes, and Elizabeth Camarena from 9423.



In California, CWAers and activists rally outside the office of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, calling for fair immigration reform.

Below: Activists send a message to Rep. McCarthy and other lawmakers that "your time is up on immigration reform."






CWA members and first responders spotlight concerns about Verizon's Voice Link system during an earthquake or other natural disaster.


In California, CWA activists joined with first responders and public officials for "The Great Shake Out," an education effort to point out the weakness of Verizon's Voice Link system during an emergency or natural disaster, such as an earthquake.

Members of CWA Locals 9423, 9586 and 9588 were among those participating.