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Watch This Ad, Then Take Action


CWA's new ad opposing the Verizon-Big Cable deal is on the air in the DC metro area, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

CWA is spreading the word that a deal between Verizon and the nation's largest cable companies will kill thousands of jobs, raise prices for consumers and virtually guarantee that too many communities remain stuck on the wrong side of the digital divide.

Starting today, CWA's latest ad opposing the monopolistic agreement began airing in Pennsylvania, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Watch it now.

And members have being adding their voices to the growing chorus of mayors, city council members and lawmakers telling the Federal Communications Commission to stop the deal.

Join the campaign by calling the FCC at 1-800-230-7676.

File a comment electronically through the FCC's website.

And sign your name to CWA's petition to stop the Verizon-Big Cable deal.