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Verizon Workers' Battle Gets Big Boost from Online Videos

Verizon Workers Fight Back Video

CWA members explain what they're fighting for in this popular YouTube video shot during the Verizon strike.

When Verizon workers went on strike in 2000, it was five years before anyone had heard of YouTube. Fast forward to 2011 and dozens of amateur and professional videographers are helping CWA members tell their story on YouTube and other social networking sites where videos are posted.

One big hit on YouTube has been Anna Mumford's moving two-minute video, featuring striking New York members. A videographer who specializes in progressive causes, she said she wanted to "show the diversity and the number of members who were out on the streets taking part in the strike and on the picket lines. It was cool to see how many drivers going by would honk their horns in support."

In fact, Mumford said she's been at many picket lines and "never seen so much community support." Mumford started her career as an SEIU organizer; today she runs Letitia Productions, dedicated to creating online video content for progressive advocacy, organizing and education campaigns. She’s worked with CWA previously on the T-Mobile campaign.

Click here to watch Mumford's video, where you'll also find a link to other excellent videos submitted by CWA members around the country. For full Verizon coverage go to