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Verizon Profits While Families Suffer

Leighton McGeachy's Story

The judge who heard Leighton McGeachy’s unemployment case agreed: Verizon fired a man for no good reason.

Leighton was proud of his twelve years of work for Verizon. Before he was fired last fall, he was the one who showed up at a customer’s door and fixed their problems with a smile. And he was building a good life for his wife and two sons by following his parents’ lead. Leighton’s mother and father met on the job, and his mother recently retired after 30 years with Verizon.

Leighton’s pride in his family’s legacy with Verizon ended when the company claimed he had misused an air horn and a whistle—blowing them in someone’s ear—and then accused him of “reckless driving.” Leighton can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous both claims are. He wasn’t even driving at the time, much less driving “recklessly.”

The contract negotiations that sent Leighton and his fellow workers out on strike last August are still stalled. Verizon is determined to cut benefits and pensions, eliminate any kind of job security, and continue to destroy solid, hard-working middle-class families like Leighton’s.

“This is them trying to save money or keep their profits high at the expense of living families,” Leighton explains. The company’s profits are in the billions and executive salaries are in the millions—yet Verizon is pressing to take away pensions and benefits from vulnerable retirees, including Leighton’s mom.

One year ago, Verizon unjustly fired Leighton and 36 other CWA and IBEW members after they went on a two-week strike. Now they’re speaking out to demand fairness.

Hear Leighton's incredible story in his own words, then share the video with everyone you know who cares about fairness.

Corporate bullies like Verizon rely on our silence. Stand up to Verizon and show your support for Leighton's courage today!