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Verizon Mobilization Week: August 6-11

This week sees workers, retirees, their families, and allies mobilizing on a massive scale. Each day actions are focused on a specific theme and group:

On Black Monday: Workers wore black armbands or ribbons and displayed black balloons at call centers to draw attention to the excessive discipline that they've experienced over the past year.

On Retiree Tuesday: Verizon retirees will join current workers at actions throughout the footprint to call attention to the company's outrageous healthcare proposals, which would cost retirees thousands more than they now pay for their healthcare.

On Wireless Wednesday: Before and after their shifts, workers and allies will take their message to Verizon Wireless customers in actions at stores.

On Solidarity Thursday: Allies from other unions who share our commitment to fair wages and benefits for all will join Verizon workers at practice pickets and rallies.

On Family Friday: Verizon workers will be taking family members and friends to picket lines and rallies to show Verizon just whose future we’re fighting for.

On Saturday,
Join Us at the Workers Stand for America Rally
Get on the Bus!

This week we are building momentum toward a rally of more than 30,000 in Philadelphia on Saturday. Members of CWA and IBEW will kick off the action at the Verizon worksite at 9th and Race Streets at 10 a.m.

In addition to brothers and sisters from the Philadelphia area, at least 49 busloads of workers from across the region and beyond will add their voices to the call for full employment, a living wage, full participation, and the right to a good education and a secure and healthy future. These are the foundations of the Second Bill of Rights that will be signed and presented to the Democratic and Republican candidates at their upcoming political conventions.

In the name of workers all over the country, we want the candidates to know that we are going to hold them accountable. Politicians have to answer the question, “Which side are you on?” And they will understand they can’t take us for granted.

President Cohen asks that whether you’re able to travel to Philadelphia or not, you show your support by going online to sign the Bill. “We need to make the candidates accountable, and remind them that if they’re not with us, they’re against us. This is about working-class Americans everywhere. We want economic opportunity for all. So, get on the bus!”

  • For more information about the location of worksite actions, contact your Local officers or mobilization coordinators.
  • For more information about the Workers Stand For America Rally in Philadelphia, click here