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'Unions Now More than Ever' Contest Seeks Videos, Songs, Graphics

A contest sponsored by Union Communication Services is offering $2,500 in prizes for videos, graphics, cartoons and songs speaking to the theme, "Unions Now, More Than Ever."

Submissions can be made in three categories: VIDEO (2-minute maximum, posted on YouTube), GRAPHIC/CARTOON (jpg format, 300 DPI), or SONG (3-minute maximum in MP3 format). Entries must include the tagline "Unions Now, More Than Ever." Email entries by Aug. 1 to You can also send any contest questions to that address.

If none of those categories appeal, consider entering a photo in an OSHA contest to help raise awareness about workplace safety and health. Prizes in the "Picture It! Safe Workplaces for Everyone" contest will be awarded for photos that provide vivid or artistic portrayals of safety and health on the job. Deadline for entries is Aug. 12. Click here for more information and contest rules.